BTIG’s Global Rates Trading team offers market expertise across a diverse range of products, including:

  • U.S. Treasuries
  • US Sovereigns, Supranationals and Agencies (SSAs)
  • US Federal Agency Debt such as FFCB, FHLB and FNMA
  • Core, Semi-Core and Peripheral European Government Bonds
  • European Supra/Sovereign Agency Debt (SSA)
  • Canadian Government Bonds
  • Fixed Income Futures
  • Listed Option Contracts in Dollar and Non-Dollar Markets
  • Cross-Currency Strategies

Maintaining an optimal combination of anonymity and liquidity with no pricing bias, our team employs its vast resources to help clients execute hedging strategies, manage reinvestment risk and streamline cost savings.

Averaging over 20 years of experience working with hedge funds, asset managers and bulge bracket market makers, BTIG has a diverse range of relationships to leverage for market views and trade execution. Dedicated to tailoring solutions to individual clients, we access liquidity from both dealer and non-dealer sources to seek the best execution opportunities.

  • Sales and Trading Professionals Each with Over 20 Years of Experience
  • Micro and Macro Trade Ideas Across Interest Rate Products
  • Structuring Complex Options Strategies Tailored to Individual Clients

Global Rates Trading LEADERSHIP

Managing Director, Head of Global Rates Trading